How To Get Over Your Shyness In 7 steps (Tactics For Introverts)

Shyness is not easy to overcome, especially if you’re an introvert. If you’re an introvert who wants to get away with shyness, this article will walk you through some steps to do it.

You can get over your shyness as an introvert by identifying the triggers of it and then finding solutions to counter them. Aside from that, preparation and challenging yourself are two excellent ways to overcome your shyness. Remember that it’s a process that needs commitment and consistency.

One misconception about introverts is that they’re shy. There are indeed shy introverts, but there are also confident ones ready to take on the world. 

But if you belong to those shy ones, this post is definitely for you.

Ways to get over your shyness as an introvert

How To Get Over Your Shyness In 7 steps (Tactics For Introverts)

Find a friend to be your partner in crime.

It’s not always easy to make friends, but once you’ve got one, it’s like having a built-in wingman or wingwoman, someone who knows how to deal with the awkwardness of social situations and will help you navigate them confidently.

Having someone with your back makes it easier to take risks and put yourself out there. You won’t feel alone, which can be huge for an introvert.

Identify the triggers for your shyness.

You must know what makes you shy because the more you understand yourself and your tendencies, the better prepared you will be when they arise.

If you’re unsure what your triggers are, here are some of the most common ones.

  • Being around lots of people, especially strangers.
  • Speaking in a large crowd
  • Going on a first date
  • Giving presentations at work
  • Talking with someone who intimidates you

Sometimes, it’s just a matter of realizing that you feel awkward because you’re shy. It’s because of what’s going on around you.

Prepare yourself for situations where you’re likely to feel shy and uncomfortable.

This can be as simple as mentally preparing for a big meeting or presentation. Knowing what’s going on, what you’re saying, and who’s there can help reduce anxiety about the situation.

It can also help to give yourself a pep talk before an event or situation where you might feel a little nervous. Tell yourself that everyone else feels that way, too! It might not be true, but it will help keep your mind off any potential embarrassment and nervousness.

That way, when it comes time for the big event, you’ll have already practiced overcoming your fears in smaller situations. You will be more prepared for whatever comes next!

Accept that social anxiety is a part of life, but learn to manage it.

If you’re an introvert, chances are good that you’ve experienced some social anxiety at some point in your life. It’s a normal part of life for many people and can be hard to deal with. The good thing is that there are ways to manage your social anxiety so you can enjoy your time with friends, family, and even strangers!

You can start managing it by:

  • Learning how to talk yourself down from a panic attack when you start feeling nervous around other people. 
  • Then, practice speaking up when you want to say something during a conversation.
  • Work on being more assertive when people try to force you into something you don’t want to do, like going somewhere alone or meeting new people.

Even if these things don’t seem to help much at first, they will! So stick with them until they become second nature.

Volunteer in places you feel comfortable and helpful.

Volunteering has many benefits, but for someone shy, it can be an excellent way to meet new people and let them see the real you, the person who cares about the world and wants to make it a better place.

There are so many ways to volunteer, too! You can find opportunities at schools, your local community center, or your church or temple.

If you really want to get out there and meet new people, try volunteering with children. They’re usually more accepting than adults because they’re usually less judgmental.

Don’t compare yourself with others as an introvert.

As an introvert, you may feel at a disadvantage when socializing. You may worry that your shyness means you can’t be as outgoing and charismatic as other people. But here’s the truth: No one is exactly the same. And that’s okay!

Stop comparing yourself to others. If someone else seems more confident than you are, don’t let it make you feel less worthy of being comfortable in your own skin. You don’t need to be outgoing to be successful or happy. There are plenty of quiet people who go on to lead amazing lives.

Just think of your strengths and remind yourself that you’re more powerful than any other else.

Perform something that scares you a little bit each day.

If you’re shy, one of the best ways to get over it is by doing something that makes you feel uncomfortable. The more often you do this, the less shy you’ll feel. So why not try some of these.

  • Making eye contact with strangers.
  • Introducing yourself to someone at a party or event where you know no one else.
  • Volunteering for an organization that’s different from your own interests.
  • Taking public speaking classes.
  • Giving presentations at work.

It’s okay if you feel a little uncomfortable at first. That’s natural! But once you get familiar with doing these things, they won’t seem so scary anymore and will make you feel better about yourself.

Enjoy the whole process!

Remember, you are not alone in this process! You also don’t need to rush things out. Plenty of other introverts have overcome their shyness and learned to love the person they are while taking their time. One secret I’d like to share is to not try so hard. Just relax, focus, and take baby steps whenever you’re ready. 

And if you ever need a reminder that it’s possible to change, just remember that the author of this article is a recovering introvert who now loves being around people!

Garo Kotchounian

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