What Is Conscientiousness And Why Is It An Important Asset?

Conscientiousness is included in the Big Five personality traits that everyone should know. If you want to know more about it, this article will define conscientiousness and why it is an important asset.

Conscientiousness trait is described as diligence and organization. They are also goal-directed and self-disciplined, and having this trait can give you so many benefits. For example, it can improve your productivity, physical health, and mental ability.

Conscientiousness is an interesting topic to talk about and let’s start learning more of it!

What is conscientiousness?

Conscientiousness refers to a person’s tendency to be organized, plan ahead, and pay attention to details. It is also about being dependable and having good self-control.

High conscientious people tend to be good at managing their time, working hard to meet deadlines, and following through on commitments. They are also less likely to procrastinate or make excuses for not completing things.

Conscientiousness is an important personality dimension that has been frequently linked to the following:

  • Work performance
  • Job satisfaction
  • Occupational choice

What are the characteristics of conscientious people?

We’re all different, and conscientiousness is no exception. Some people are born with more of it than others. It can be developed through practice, but some people seem to have it from birth.

So what are the characteristics of conscientious people?

  • Dependable
  • Highly organized
  • Reliable
  • Good time-management skills
  • Committed
  • Responsible
  • Detail-oriented
  • Loves planning in advance

Conscientious people are also conscientious about their health. They work out regularly and pay attention to what they put in their bodies. They tend to have a balanced diet, as well as regular sleep habits, both of which contribute to their overall wellness!

Why is conscientiousness an important asset?

Here are some reasons why conscientiousness is an important asset everyone must have!

Associated with lower mortality risk.

Conscientiousness is related to lower mortality risk, which means that conscientious people tend to live longer than those who aren’t.

This doesn’t mean that you will die if you’re not conscientious. Still, it does mean there’s a correlation between your ability to be organized and follow through on things and how long you live.

But how does it happen?

  • Highly conscientious people are more likely to:
  • Exercise regularly
  • Maintain a healthy weight
  • Eat healthier foods
  • Take their medicines as prescribed

All these factors can help you live longer, which means conscientiousness is important!

It can predict success in school and at work.

Conscientiousness is one of the strongest predictors of success in school and work.

In the workplace, conscientiousness predicts performance on tasks that require the following

  • Persistence
  • Carefulness
  • Adherence to rules or norms

It also predicts productivity and job turnover.

Workers and students who are highly conscientious are

  • Well-prepared for upcoming tasks and deadlines
  • Pay attention to details
  • Meet deadlines without being reminded

People with low levels of conscientiousness may be less likely to succeed in school and work because they tend not to complete homework assignments or keep up with the classwork. 

They may also struggle at work because they do not complete their assigned tasks or follow through on projects that require long-term efforts.

Associated with leadership success.

Conscientiousness is positively related to performance across many jobs, including leadership positions.

Aside from the fact that it is one important predictor of job performance and IQ or cognitive ability, it also predicts lower turnover rates in organizations and higher satisfaction among employees who stay.

One reason is that this trait is characterized by a strong sense of responsibility, attention to detail, and self-discipline, which leaders possess.

People with a high degree of conscientiousness are likely to be successful leaders because they prioritize tasks and follow through on them. They also don’t like to take risks unless they’re sure their actions will have positive results.

Lower risk for depression and anxiety.

People with high conscientiousness are less likely to develop depression or anxiety later in life. That’s because they’re more likely to engage in healthy behaviors like eating right and getting enough sleep.

When you get enough sleep and take healthy foods like conscientious people, you’ll be less likely to experience negative emotions like anger or sadness.

Likewise, if you plan ahead and start being organized, you’ll become more efficient. These qualities can help you avoid the pitfalls of procrastination and impulsiveness that lead to stress and depression. 

Goes hand-in-hand with self-discipline to help you achieve goals.

If you’re conscientious, you’ll notice that you’re more likely to remember things, show up on time, and finish projects on time. These are all about self-discipline.

Self-discipline is the ability to control your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors to serve a goal. It’s what helps you stay focused on your work!

Self-discipline is also a key component of any successful person’s life.

You can get away with being somewhat disorganized or forgetful in some aspects of your life. 

But if you want to accomplish something big, like starting a business or getting into shape, you’ll need to be able to stick with it even when things get hard or boring.

Help you be more productive.

If you have a high level of conscientiousness, you’re more likely to be a successful employee or student.

Those who are conscientious are:

  • Organized
  • Follow instructions well
  • Reliable
  • Have strong work ethics
  • Have a good understanding of what their job requires

This means that they will be more productive and less likely to make mistakes than someone who does not possess these attributes.

Conscientious employees are also likely to be good team players because they are willing to do whatever it takes to help the company succeed. 

This can include taking on tasks others may not want or being flexible enough to deal with last-minute changes in plans or requirements.

It’s a form of maturity.

Maturity isn’t just about working, paying your bill, and providing for your need. Maturity is also when you can control your impulses and act rationally in different situations. And that’s exactly what conscientious can offer to you.

If you learn how to be conscientious, you’ll:

  • Be able to plan ahead
  • Anticipate all possible outcomes of your actions
  • Stick to your plans
  • Be responsible
  • Independent
  • Trustworthy
  • Dependable

As you can see, these are the traits we have when looking for friends or employees. We want someone who is mature and who can act accordingly. And that’s what we also want for ourselves. 

How to strengthen your conscientiousness?

One good thing about being conscientious is it can be practiced and developed. So if you want to become more conscientious, here are some tips.

Take on a new role or challenge that requires you to self-regulate.

Conscientiousness is characterized by consistent behavior and the ability to regulate your behavior. Therefore, if you can self-regulate and consistently perform tasks the same way over time, you are likely more conscientious than others who may not be as consistent with their performance.

For example:

  • Pick up a hobby like yoga or meditation. This will help you develop the skills needed for self-regulation, which can be applied to your new hobby and other aspects of your life.
  • If you feel you need to step up your game and take on a new challenge, try taking on an enjoyable extracurricular activity that requires you to think things through and plan ahead.
  • You can also try volunteering, which can be an excellent way to meet new people while getting involved in a cause that matters to you.

Take advantage of opportunities to learn and improve.

Learning and improving are the best ways to keep your conscientiousness strong. More learning means more chances to improve and more opportunities you have to practice and refine your skills. This will help you build upon your current strengths while also helping you develop new ones.

Here are just some examples.

  • Take classes that will help you develop new skills or learn more about a topic you’re interested in. 
  • Take on projects at work, even if they aren’t part of your job description. 
  • Ask for feedback from friends and family members about what you do well and where there’s room for improvement.

Any time you have the chance to learn something new or improve upon something you already know, do it! Take advantage of every opportunity for growth that comes your way!

Dedicate time to finish tasks and projects or complete work duties without procrastinating.

Procrastination can be a real problem for many people. But the good thing is that you can fight procrastination.

To combat this issue, you can do the following.

  • Try setting aside time each day or week just to work on whatever project you’re focusing on. Don’t check social media or send emails.
  • Set the alarm on your phone regarding your task.
  • Download task management applications to help you monitor your tasks.

Also, remember that it’s normal for everyone, even conscientious people, to procrastinate sometimes. We all get distracted sometimes! But if it becomes a habit or starts interfering with other parts of life, it’s probably time to take action.

Actively listen when others are talking rather than thinking about the next thing you will say.

When you listen actively, you give them your full attention rather than thinking about what you will say next. This can help you

  • Develop better social skills.
  • Improve communication with others.
  • Make you more empathetic towards others.

These are great ways to strengthen your conscientiousness because they remind you to be present and focus on what others are saying. 

If actively listening, you’ll be less likely to interrupt or jump in with an alternative perspective and more likely to show interest and concern for what the other person says.

Observe your feelings and thoughts but focus on the facts of the situation.

If you want to become more conscientious, you first need to get a handle on your emotions. The conflict is that our emotions are often irrational and can lead us to react in ways that don’t make sense.

So instead of getting trapped in your feelings, try concentrating on the situation. This will help you make better decisions, making you more conscientious overall.

It’s important to recognize that conscientiousness isn’t just about efficiency. It’s also about being ethical. 

Be careful not to become preoccupied with negative thoughts or emotions.

 Conscientiousness is a personality trait that also reflects how much control you have over your own behavior and emotions.

If you find that your thoughts are too negative, or if you find yourself dwelling on something for too long, it can be a sign that you need to work on strengthening your conscientiousness.

To get away with negative emotions, here’s what you can do.

  • When you notice yourself getting stuck in a loop of negative thinking, take a moment to evaluate why this might be happening and what steps you can take to get out of this loop.
  • Divert your attention to some activities that will make you busy and happy simultaneously.
  • Surround yourself with people who understand and can help or support you.

Taking small actions every day can help strengthen conscientiousness like introverts!

Most introverts are more conscientious than their extrovert counterparts. They are more responsible, dependent, persistent, and organized. That’s why if you want to learn how to be more conscientious, learn it from the pros, the introverts.

If you want to achieve high conscientiousness, it’s not enough to just set a goal and wait for it to happen. You need to take action every day.

There are several ways to do this, and introverts are already doing this. Here are some steps to take.

  • You can read about how other people have succeeded in their goals and learn from them.
  • You can keep a journal to see how far you’ve come.
  • You can even start small, like making a list of the things that might distract you from your goal, then putting them on a shelf out of sight until later in the day when they’re no longer an issue.

But no matter what kind of action step is right for you, the point is this:

Regular small actions will help strengthen your conscientiousness and make it easier for you to achieve your goals!

Conscientiousness is a beneficial personality trait!

Conscientiousness is a beneficial trait we can instill in ourselves.

It is associated with many positive outcomes, including better academic and work performance and fewer health problems. This means it may be worth the time and effort to increase conscientiousness in ourselves and our children.

We’re not saying that you should be conscientious all the time. After all, sometimes you need to let loose and just have fun. But if you balance being conscientious and letting go, you’ll be in a great place!

Garo Kotchounian

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