What Is An Omnivert (What Is The Difference From Ambivert)

Many people confuse the term ambivert and omnivert. To help clear this confusion, I’m going to discuss what it means to be an omnivert and some differences it has between ambiverts.

Omniverts are also a combination of being introverted and extroverted, but they’re not easily predictable. They lack balance, emotional stability, and adaptability. They have no consistency regarding communication and actions and depend on the situation. However, they can be highly outgoing or extremely reserved at times. But it all depends if the situation is favorable to them or not.

Omnivert is different from ambivert. To help you understand omnivert, always think their trait or personality is entirely situational. Here, we’ll talk more about omniverts.

ambivert vs omnivert personality

What is an omnivert?

An omnivert personality can be both introverted and extroverted, depending on the situation. They are comfortable in both social and solitary situations, and they can quickly shift between being outgoing and reserved depending on what they feel is needed in a given moment.

Here are some other points to take note of about omniverts.

  • Omniverts are often described as “mixed” or “in-between” because they don’t fall into the typical extrovert/introvert categories.
  • They may be more outgoing than they let on, but they can also be more reserved than they appear. They simply don’t feel tied to one way of being or doing things.

What is the difference between ambiverts and omniverts?

For us to see the difference between omnivert and ambivert, we’ll look at it in different aspects, such as the following.

Emotional stability

Emotional stability is a critical aspect of one’s personality. But how do omniverts and ambiverts differ when it comes to this one?

If you’re an ambivert, you are usually in touch with your feelings and can regulate them effectively. You can understand them, even if they aren’t always pleasant ones, and you can use those feelings to inform your behavior.

On the other hand, if you’re an omnivert, you tend to feel things more deeply than ambiverts do. This means that your emotional state may change more quickly than others. Still, it also means that when someone is upset or angry with you, they’ll know exactly how they feel about it and won’t hold back!

And that being said, here are a few essential points to consider.

  1. Ambiverts are more emotionally stable than omniverts.
  2. Ambiverts tend to be better at managing conflict than omniverts because they have a better sense of what’s going on inside them, such as
  • What makes them angry and why?
  • What makes them frustrated or sad?
  • Why might they be anxious or stressed out?

This allows them to better assess the situation and determine whether the problem is worth getting worked up over.


The difference between an ambivert and an omnivert when it comes to adapting to situations is that, while both types of people can adapt to conditions, an ambivert can do so more efficiently than an omnivert.

An ambivert is someone who is somewhere on the introvert-extrovert spectrum. They tend to be more comfortable in social settings than people who are introverts or extroverts. They like to spend time alone but also enjoy spending time with others. However, they still need some time alone every once in a while.

In short, they know themselves and when’s the time to be more reserved. Plus, they are consistent in a given situation, which makes it easier for them to adapt.

Meanwhile, an omnivert would have a hard time adapting to situations, especially if they are in a scenario they really don’t like

And when they don’t feel like talking, they won’t do it at all costs.


When it comes to balance, ambiverts hold more of it than omniverts.

Since they exist in the middle of the introvert-extrovert spectrum, they can find the balance when the situation calls for it. 

Meanwhile, omniverts tend to lose their balance. One reason is that they can only be one of either extreme. 

This has something to do with adaptability too. Since they fail to adapt to situations, especially when it’s not favorable for them, they also lose sight of the balance needed in the case.

Important note: Ambiverts will generally be more comfortable in most situations than omniverts. Because ambiverts don’t have to worry about finding the balance between their inner and outer worlds as much as omniverts do.

Personality type

To better understand the personality type of the two, let’s associate a word to each.

Ambiverts = simultaneously

Omniverts = situational


Ambiverts’ personality type is between the introvert and extrovert spectrum. So they can do it simultaneously when the situation needs them to be either introverts or extroverts.

For omniverts, they can be introverts or extroverts, but the switch is situational. They would first see the situation and whether it’s favorable for them before they switch to what personality type they want.

Recap of differences


Exist somewhere between the introvert-extrovert spectrum

  • Emotionally stable and tend to be more resilient
  • Can adapt to situations easily
  • Shows consistency when it comes to communication, behavior, and thinking
  • Can promote balance between being an introvert or extrovert at any given time


  • Has the traits of both introvert and extrovert but uses them depending on the situation
  • Not emotionally stable.’
  • Cannot adapt to conditions quickly, especially if it isn’t the environment they like
  • No consistency when it comes to communication, behavior, and thinking
  • Loses their balance between introversion and extroversion

Am I an ambivert or omnivert?

So, you’ve read through the descriptions and are still unsure if you’re an ambivert or an omnivert.

We’ve got you covered. Here’s how to tell.

  • If you’re in a situation that demands you to be outgoing or friendly, then you just successfully adapted to it, then you’re an ambivert.
  • If there’s a presentation in your classroom, then you see it as a challenge, and you say to yourself that you’ll do your best, then you’re an ambivert.
  • But if you chose not to participate in the presentation because you don’t want to, then you’re an omnivert.
  • For ambiverts, everything can be challenging, BUT possible.
  • For omniverts, you can think of a situation as your strength or weakness. If you like the case, you’ll respond positively. If you don’t, you’ll react negatively.

Which personality is better? 

There is no such better personality to be judged. But we would like to admit that being an ambivert is more ideal than being an omnivert.

But why?

  • Ambiverts know how to become an extrovert or an introvert.
  • Ambiverts have a higher chance of welcoming opportunities than omniverts due to their sense of adaptability.
  • Ambiverts can objectively see the situation and can act accordingly.
  • Ambiverts are more positive and have the I can do all attitude without being subjective about their personal preferences on the case.
  • Ambiverts see some situations as a challenge that can lead to self-improvement.

What should you be in your workplace? Ambivert or omnivert?

Let’s try to apply the ideas of ambivert and omnivert in the workplace.

A study conducted by Adam Grant of the University of Pennsylvania showed that ambiverts have a higher chance of succeeding in the business industry.

Here are the reasons why.

  • Ambiverts can exhibit a flexible pattern of listening and talking, which is beneficial in the workplace.
  • Ambiverts can express assertiveness and enthusiasm in the workplace.

Moreover, the study also revealed that omniverted personality is the least beneficial in the workplace. Grant claimed that moderation of introversion and extroversion would be the best.

How to be an ambivert if you’re an omnivert?

There is no shortcut to changing from omnivert to ambivert. But since ambivert can give you the maximum potential, then let’s find out some ways on how you can slowly transform yourself.

Identify the triggers

As you know, omniverts can change suddenly, depending on the circumstances. So, you can identify triggers that could lead to negative actions and thoughts.

How do you do it?

  1. Look for signs that trigger you. It could be stress from work, more meetings, or no or too much interaction.
  1. Search for coping mechanisms. Find the best solutions to address your triggers. For example, taking a rest and planning your day.
  1. Don’t forget to recharge and meditate. Whether you feel like you’re more extroverted or introverted, you need time to rest to achieve good health.

Develop consistency in your actions

Here are three ways to develop consistency with your actions and become an ambivert.

  1. Make a plan for your day, including everything you need to get done and the duration of time each task will take.
  2. Stay on track with your plan, and don’t get distracted by things that aren’t in it, like social media or television.
  3. If something comes up, that throws off your plan, adjust accordingly, but only after you’ve finished whatever you were working on first!

Practice the most beneficial traits each personality has.

Admit it or not, both extroversion and introversion have their good qualities. So, why not practice them?

Here are some of the beneficial traits you might want to practice.


  • Great listeners
  • Independent thinkers
  • Creative thinkers
  • Observant and thoughtful
  • Calm and relaxed
  • Think before they speak
  • Patient
  • Good at reading people
  • Respectful of other people’s space and boundaries
  • Self-aware


  • Great conversationalist
  • Assertive in some situations
  • Good communicators
  • Quick thinkers who can process information quickly and easily
  • Motivators. They’re great at getting people excited about new projects and ideas!
  • Outgoing, social people who love to talk and make new friends.
  • They know how to have a good time and are great at bringing others in on the fun as well.

These qualities are indeed beneficial to anyone, especially if you’re a leader in the workplace. But if you want to excel as early as today, no matter what you do or where you are, applying these traits and qualities would positively impact you.

Famous personalities who became ambiverts

Now that we’re talking about leaders, would you believe that there are famous personalities that were once introverts? Take a look at this list.

  • Elon Musk
  • Mark Zuckerberg
  • Barack Obama
  • Bill Gates
  • Abraham Lincoln
  • Al Gore
  • Eleanor Roosevelt
  • Princess Diana

All these people possess introverted qualities. But they also learned how to balance introversion and extroversion since their situation calls for it. 

They have learned how to do campaigning, public speaking, and, most significantly, becoming a leader. 

Change for the better!

If you’re an omnivert and find yourself confused about whether it’s OK, we’re here to tell you that it’s OK. 

After all, nobody is perfect and if you’re most comfortable being an omnivert, then so be it. But there’s something you should know.

You must understand your personality type if you’re a leader or plan to be one.

Note: People who lean toward extroversion are more likely to lead by example. While those who lean toward introversion tend to be more analytical and thoughtful when making decisions. 

But we found that the best leaders are ambiverts, people with both extrovert and introvert qualities- the actual balance.

Ambiverts can be outgoing but also know when it’s time to retreat and recharge. 

They can speak up in meetings but are comfortable listening to others talk. They can make decisions quickly, but they take the time necessary to explore all possibilities before making those decisions.

These aren’t just buzzwords. 

These personality traits really do matter! 

Studies have shown that ambiverts are better at managing relationships with their coworkers, leading teams through complex problems, and reaching out to clients or customers when needed. Ambiverts also tend to be seen as more trustworthy by other people. Because they don’t put on an act when interacting with others; instead, they are genuine about who they are.


Like any other personality, being an omnivert isn’t something that needs a quick fix. It’s normal and OK if you’re an ambivert. Still, if you really want to achieve your maximum potential, you might want to get away with being an omnivert. 

Fortunately, you could achieve it gradually. Don’t pressure yourself; just be confident about what you can do for yourself.

Garo Kotchounian

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