How To Use Personality Type Assessment In Daily Life

If you already know your personality type, it’s time to use the information to improve your life. But how do you do it? In this article, I’ll share some tips on how to use your personality assessment results in your daily life.

You can use your personality type assessment every time you make decisions concerning self-awareness, personal improvement, career development, and relationships. Every day, you need to decide on something, and to make it easier, you can rely on your personality type assessment.

However, I want you to remember that in using the results of your personality test, you need to look at the information and not just the labels. You need to understand why you got that type of personality result. 

Comprehend the information besides your personality label and review it again if you need to. This way, you’ll get why you fall under that personality type.

How do I incorporate the personality type assessment into my everyday life?

How To Use Personality Type Assessment In Daily Life

Before we drill down some particular scenarios where you can use the personality assessment, I want you to take note of these aspects.

These are the areas in which your personality type assessment can have an impact. Let’s see how and why.


As you can tell from the name of the personality assessment, it allows you to understand your personality type and how it fits into the larger world of personality types. This can be extremely useful for those who want to better understand themselves and the people around them.

By taking this test and learning about the results, you can increase your self-awareness. Consequently, you’ll understand your way of thinking and behavior, which is important in daily life.

Personal improvement

The personality type assessment can reveal your strengths and weaknesses. This helps you find opportunities to improve yourself. By acknowledging the result, you’ll also realize your advantages to others, which you could use to level up and be the best version of yourself.

When talking about personal improvement, includes the following.

  • Working through your target position or rank.
  • Learning a new skill.
  • Improving your communication skills.
  • Learning to bond with other people.
  • Becoming more emphatic, understanding, and patient.
  • Improved focus.
  • Boost productivity.

Personal improvement has no limits. If you see a part of you that needs development, explore it and use your strengths and information about your personality to improve it.

Career development

If you have taken a personality test, then you know that these tests can be pretty accurate. They will tell you what careers would suit your personality type. If you are unsure which career to choose, use these tests to help guide you toward a career path that is right for your personality type.

For example, suppose your type is INFJ. In that case, you’re likely best suited for careers in the helping professions like counseling, social work, teaching, etc. 

Similarly, if someone else’s type is ISTJ, they might be a great fit for careers in law enforcement or other similar fields. 

Even if you don’t necessarily want to become a counselor or police officer or whatever suits your personality type, knowing these options can help you decide what kind of career would be best for you.

Team building

This aspect best applies in business or the workplace.

When you’re a leader, it can be hard to determine which types of people are best suited for your team. If you’re building a team, it’s important to know each member’s personality to place them in positions where they will thrive. 

Because there are so many different personalities out there, it’s unlikely that one person will fit into every position on your team. 

Each person has strengths and weaknesses, and it’s up to you as a leader to understand those differences and find ways to work together effectively.

The personality test helps identify how people perceive information and make decisions based on their personal preferences. It also gauges how well they relate with others based on those preferences.

This is why most companies use personality tests during application. It helps them determine whether or not certain types of personalities will work well together on projects. Or if they should be split off into different groups based on their personality types alone.

Daily life scenarios where you can use personality type assessment

To give you a detailed explanation, I’ve prepared a list of scenarios where you can use the information on your personality type assessment. Let’s see how it goes!


Personality assessments are an excellent way to understand yourself better and learn how to work more effectively with others. You can also use your personality type assessment results in your workplace!


The personality test can help you better understand yourself, which can, in turn, help you work better with others. But it’s also helpful when negotiating at work because it helps you identify situations that will challenge your strengths and make you uncomfortable.


Suppose you have an extrovert-oriented personality type (ENFP or ESFP). In that case, you may feel more confident negotiating in an environment where a lot of social activity is happening, like at a large conference or meeting.

But if your personality results tell you that this type of situation makes you feel uncomfortable or stressed out, think of some ways to counter it (e.g., bringing earphones and listening to music or doodling before negotiating).


When you take a personality type assessment, you’re given a report that identifies your strengths and weaknesses and the traits that make you unique.


If you’re an introvert, you’ll want to focus on the traits that show how you can be successful at work while being an introvert. You can do this by using tools email more often than phone calls.

If you’re an extrovert who loves talking on the phone, do it! If you’re not great at public speaking but love presenting information in person, then go for it!

Leadership Development

Personality assessments are an excellent way to learn more about your nature and how to be a better leader. They can help you understand your motivators and how you work best with others. And if used properly, they can help your team see things from new perspectives, which can only mean good things for your business!


If you’re an ENTP (extroverted, intuitive thinking perceiver) and want to become a manager or supervisor at your company, here’s what you want to keep in mind.

ENTPs are often seen as “ideas” people. They like coming up with new ideas and sharing them with others. This can be great for brainstorming sessions or meetings where many ideas need to be generated. Still, it can also lead to conflict if ENTPs aren’t careful about presenting their ideas.

The best way to avoid this type of conflict is by ensuring everyone else knows your goal gene. And that is to generate ideas rather than criticize someone else’s ideas or use them as ammunition against them later on down the road. 

Motivating Employees

Personality type assessments can tell you a lot about who your employees are and what they need to be engaged and productive at work. 

Use this information to create a more effective work environment. You’ll see happier employees who are more productive and loyal. This can help your company grow.

Here are some ways to use personality assessments in the workplace.

  • Create an Employee Handbook with standard procedures and expectations.
  • Ask your employees about their goals and how they want to achieve them. This will help them realize how their work fits into the whole picture and make them more enthusiastic about it.
  • Ensure that your policies and procedures are clear and consistent. Hence, there are no surprises when someone does something different than expected. This will eliminate unnecessary conflict between coworkers. 


Personality type assessments are a great way to better understand yourself. They can also be helpful for others in your life, especially at home.


When budgeting at home, it’s important to remember that your personality type can affect how you spend money. 


If you’re an introvert and love being home alone with your family, you’ll think you don’t need a new pair of shoes every month. You’ll just focus on saving up for a vacation or buying some nice furniture for your living room. 

Something that will make your home feel like a place where everyone feels happy and relaxed!

If you’re an extrovert who loves going out with friends and spending time with them, maybe it’s not about saving money as much as it is about spending it wisely! 

So maybe instead of going out for dinner every night and spending $100 per person, consider making that same amount of money stretch across several weeks by cooking at home together instead. 

Or, if cooking doesn’t sound appealing, try ordering takeout from one of your favorite restaurants once a week instead.

Bonding with your partner and children.

Knowing your partner’s or your child’s personality type can help you understand them better and set the stage for a more harmonious relationship. It can also help them understand themselves better, which many people struggle with when they’re younger.


If you’re an ENFP and your partner is an INFJ, it may be easier for you to understand why they sometimes seem so difficult to read. 

You might even learn to be more sensitive to their needs, especially introverts, and make sure that they feel heard when talking about what matters most.

Deciding how to spend your time.

Next time you’re at home and wondering what to do, think about your personality. 

If you’re an introvert, you should spend quality time with yourself on the couch or in bed. If you’re an extrovert, it’s time to go out and mingle with friends, take a class, or join an organization.

Whatever your personality type, it’s important to remember that there’s no right way to spend your time at home! You can use this information to help you decide how to spend your day!


You can use your results as a student to help you succeed in school. Your personality type affects how you learn and think about the world around you, which can also affect your success in school!

Group activities

Your personality type assessment results can help you understand not just yourself but also other people in the school. The information you gain from your assessment can inform your interactions with other people, especially during group activities.


If you discover that you are an extrovert, you might use this information to initiate conversation more often.

Similarly, if you are an introvert, you might take time alone and prepare before participating in a group activity.

New project

Personality tests are great tools to help you understand yourself. They can also be really helpful when planning new projects in school.

Once you learn about your personality type, you can use that knowledge to help guide your work.


If you’re an ENFJ (Extroverted, Intuitive Feeler, Judging), you might find that it helps to have a plan for your project before diving in.

If you’re an INFJ (Introverted, Intuitive Feeler, Judging), having a clear vision of where your project is headed could give you the courage to push forward even when things get tough.

If you know what kind of person you are and how those traits play out, it’s easier to set goals and achieve them.


As a student, you can use your personality assessments during preparation before exams.

You can take the results into consideration your learning style effectively when studying for an exam. This will help you know what study techniques work best for you.

If you have the result in your hand, you can tell whether you’re an auditory, visual, kinesthetic, or spatial learner. Use this information to prepare for your exams.

Choosing friends

The best way to make friends is by finding people who are similar to you. In other words, people who share your personality type.


If you’re an ENFP (Extraverted iNtuitive Feeling Perceiving), then it’s likely that other ENFPs will be attracted to you. 

Suppose you’re an ENTJ (Extraverted Intuitive Thinking Judging). You probably want to find other ENTJs at school because they will understand your strengths and weaknesses.

This isn’t to say that everyone should only connect with people who are exactly like them. That would be boring! But when it comes time for choosing friends at school, it can be helpful to take personality type into account so you can find the right match for both parties involved.

Career development

This is the perfect time to start contemplating your career development. You can use your personality type assessment results to help you search for a career path that will be a good fit for you.


Suppose you’re an introvert who tends to work well alone and prioritize difficult tasks. In that case, it’s worth considering positions where these things are valued over teamwork or communication skills.

On the other hand, if you’re an extrovert who prefers working in teams and is happy with more simple tasks, then it might be worth looking into jobs that focus on those traits.

Personality tests aren’t perfect. They won’t be able to tell you exactly what kind of job will make you happy, but they can guide you on what kind of work environment will feel best for you!

Personality type assessments is a tool you can use!

The use of personality tests helps a lot in determining and understanding one’s self. You can use it as a tool in your everyday life. Like what we’ve discussed above, you can use it at home, school, and even at your workplace.

And it’s not just about you! You can also utilize it to better build relationships with people around you and make wise decisions.

However, I also want to remind you that personality type assessments aren’t exact and perfect information you can use to define someone. It only serves as an overview of one’s personality, but it can help you in many ways you’d never imagine! So now that you know how to use this assessment in your everyday life, I hope you have an exciting life ahead!

Garo Kotchounian

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