Daily Habits For Productivity (Produce More In Less Time)

Productivity is essential in life, but sometimes it can be hard to achieve. If you’re searching for techniques to increase your productivity, stick with this post, and I’ll give you a list of habits that could lead to maximum productivity!

Sometimes, all you need to promote productivity is proper habits. Daily habits like waking up early, preparing your to-do list for the day, setting deadlines, organizing your working space, chunking your tasks into smaller ones, avoiding multitasking, and taking breaks can help you achieve productivity. 

Doing these allows you to work more in less time, which is even more guaranteed if you’re consistent!

Productivity is often discussed in business but is also a personal goal

But before you start your personal goal of productivity, you need to know the different factors that hinder you from becoming productive.

Introverted woman being Productive

Different factors that affect productivity

Various factors affect productivity, and they can come from anywhere. The best thing you can do is look at your environment and figure out what might be holding you back.

But to give you a brief list, here are the most common hindrances in achieving productivity and efficiency.

  • Sleep quality and quantity
  • Stress levels
  • Diet, exercise, and food choices
  • Time management
  • Environment

So, as a solution, you need to find ways how you can counter these factors and become more productive. 

And that’s where these seven habits will play an essential role.

Seven habits to make you an efficient individual

Here are seven habits to make you a productive individual.

Wake up early!

Waking up early is the best technique to begin your day on the right foot. It gives you time to finish things and be productive before your day gets hectic.

Here are some reasons why being an early bird can make you productive.

  • You can eat breakfast, the most important meal of the day!
  • You can meditate, relax, and get rid of stress and anxiety before it builds up throughout the morning.
  • You’ll have time to read or journal your thoughts and feelings, which will help you stay focused throughout the day.
  • You’ll have time to exercise, even if just a short walk around boosts your energy levels and lower stressors that could make it hard for you to focus later in the day.

Prepare your TO-DO list.

One simple yet effective way to stay on top of your work is by having a clear, detailed list of tasks and goals.

When you have a to-do list, you can:

  • Organize your thoughts and tasks.
  • Feel like you’re making progress every day.
  • Concentrate on the important things rather than getting distracted by everything else.
  • Keep track of what needs to be done and when.
  • Won’t miss any tasks along the way, which can either make or break your day.


Make your to-do list as simple as possible. Don’t make it so long that it takes hours to complete. 

The whole point is to get things done quickly. Instead of making a long list of tasks, just focus on one or two items simultaneously. 

Set a timeframe for your tasks.

Setting a timeframe for your tasks may not be the most intuitive way to get things done, but it can be the most effective. Here’s why!

  • You’ll feel more motivated because your work has a definite end point.
  • It will help you focus and prioritize what needs to be done first, so there’s no guesswork involved when deadlines approach.
  • You can avoid procrastination since you can see how many tasks and time you’ve left.
  • You can avoid feeling overwhelmed by your tasks since you have them all laid down.
  • The timeframe itself can help you avoid jumping from one task to another.

Organize your space into a conducive one.

If you’ve heard the phrase “Clutter is creativity’s enemy,” you know how true this is. Clutter can make it hard to look at what you’re looking for and distract you from your work.

But how do you organize your environment?

  • Make sure all your files are in one place. This can be as simple as creating a folder for each project and storing it on your desktop or table.
  • Ensure all your tools are where you need them and that they’re easy to find when you need them.
  • Use tools like Google Calendar or Trello to set reminders for yourself so you don’t miss deadlines or appointments.
  • Remove distractions in your space like mobile phones, food, etc.
  • Keep your space well-lit and well-ventilated.

Your working space doesn’t have to be perfect, but it should be clean and organized so you can easily access whatever you need. And don’t forget to prioritize your comfort so you can enjoy getting things done!

Chunk your tasks into smaller parts.

Chunking tasks is a great way to boost your productivity. It’s a simple idea and can be applied to nearly any task, whether it’s something you need to do at work or at home.

  • It helps you break down large tasks into smaller ones to seem more manageable.
  • It helps you focus on a single task at a time rather than being pulled in different directions by multiple things at once.
  • It allows you to see progress as you complete each step towards achieving your larger task. It can be a huge motivator for those struggling with procrastination!
  • It helps prevent burnout by giving your brain a chance to rest between different types of work.

Avoid multitasking.

Multitasking means trying to do two things at once and switching between them. It’s often used as an excuse for not focusing on one thing at a time and doing it well.

The issue with multitasking is that it takes more time than doing each task separately. 

You have to switch gears mentally and physically, which takes time and energy. This means you can only do one task at a time before you’re too exhausted to continue with either one!

If you want to be productive, focus on one task at a time until it’s finished before moving on to the next.

Don’t forget to take breaks.

When you’re feeling overwhelmed and stressed, taking a break can help you recharge and refocus so that you’re ready to tackle the next task. This is especially true if you have a deadline or feel you’re going in circles with no end.

Taking a break can also help prevent burnout. When we overdo it, we become less efficient and more prone to mistakes, and when we’re burnt out, it’s even harder to get back into the groove of things!

Small changes go a long way!

We hope this article has successfully provided you find some new ways to boost your productivity, even if they’re small changes!

Remember, the key to productivity is ensuring you do what’s important and avoid getting distracted by the little things.

When you make changes in your life, like changing your daily habits, it can be hard to know if they’re working because it’s so easy to get distracted by the details. But if you just stick with it long enough, we promise that your new habits will become as natural as breathing. And that could lead to a more productive you.

Garo Kotchounian

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